II edition of the charity action

Ciech TRI TOUR & Pho3nix Foundation


4 . 5 0 0 . 0 0 0 PLN


4 . 5 0 0. 0 0 0 PLN




We support those in need

Lern more

Let's collect together 4 500 000 Polish zlotys for the benefit of the Center of Technologically Assisted Orthopedic Rehabilitation of the Victor Degi Clinical Hospital in Poznan.

Step 1

Join the Ciech TRI TOUR group on Strava, where we gather activities, as part of charity and mutual support.

Ciech TRI TOUR for those in need

Join Us

Step 2

Train regularly

Take care of systematic physical activity - your and your loved ones! Collect activities together as part of our action.

Step 3

Support actively

Instead of fierce competition on the road and fighting to beat your résumés, let's show triathlon unity together and help those in need!

Another year

of helping

This is another of our charity actions. Last year we supported the charges of the NON IRON Foundation and the Nidzica Local Fund, and in this we managed to raise as much as 1 million zlotys for the Karol Jonscher clinical hospital in Poznan.

Ciech TRI TOUR together with Pho3nix Foundation invite all sports enthusiasts to charity action around physical activity. In this way we want to find a common goal, which instead of competitions will help all of us to motivate ourselves to training again when as a society we will gradually return to normality.

There is an open group waiting for you on Strava, where we collect kilometers for a good cause and support each other in their activities. Join us, every activity, every minute and every kilometer will count - we have 2 years to collect 4.5 million PLN! The action starts on 16 October 2020


How to support the action?

Every minute of training is important

( 16.10 - 31.12.2020 )


Each hour of effort during the action is 10 PLN, which the Pho3nix Foundation

will donate to charity. Join us on Strava and collect TIME as part of your activities.


Each kilometer supports the goal

( 01.01 - 31.03.2021)

Each kilometer covered during the second stage of the action is 1 PLN, which will be credited to the charity account. Each kilometer covered is of great importance, each kilometer brings us closer to the goal.

Participation counts

( 01.04 - 18.07.2021 )


In the third stage, the charity action will be conducted among the competitors taking part in the Ciech Tri Tour events. The competitors' completion of the competition will be rewarded by donating money to a charity. The Olympic idea "Participation counts" takes on a new meaning!

Jak można wesprzeć akcję?

Każda pokonana w ramach akcji godzina wysiłku w trakcie trwania etapu to 10 zł, jakie Fundacja Pho3nix przekaże na cele charytatywne. Dołącz do nas na Stravie, zbieraj CZAS w ramach swoich aktywności.

4 500 000 złotych na rzecz Centrum Technologicznie Wspomaganej Rehabilitacji Ortopedyczno Rehabilitacyjnego Szpitala Klinicznego im Wiktora Degi.

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Sponsor tytularny

JBL Triathlon Sieraków

Każda minuta treningu ma znaczenie



Każdy kilometr wspiera cel

Każdy pokonany w ramach akcji kilometr w trakcie trwania etapu drugiego to 1 zł, jaki zasili konto akcji charytatywnej. Każdy pokonany kilometr ma ogromne znaczenie, każdy kilometr przybliża nas do celu.

( 16.10 - 31.12.2020 )

( 01.01 - 31.03.2021)

Liczy się udział

( 01.04 - 18.07.2021 )


W trzecim etapie akcja charytatywna będzie prowadzona wśród zawodników startujących na imprezach Ciech Tri Tour. Ukończenie przez zawodników zawodów zostanie wynagrodzone w postaci przekazania pieniędzy na cel charytatywny. Idea OlimpijskaLiczy się udział”nabiera nowego znaczenia!

Questions & Answers:

Does participation in the action involve any fee?

No, participation in the action is completely free. All you need is an active account and joining the Ciech TRI TOUR club on Strava.

Do I have to be enrolled for the Ciech TRI TOUR series?

No, to participate in the first two stages of the action we invite all fans of triathlon and physical activity who want to support our action with their training.

How will the fundraising process proceed?

During the action we count your activities on our group on Strava. In the first stage, time will count. Each hour will be converted into 10 PLN. The stage will last until the end of 2020. The next stage will be a well established formula, from an earlier edition, of collecting kiloemters. As in the previous action, 1 km will be converted into 1 zloty for the action. The stage will be completed at the end of March. In the third stage, the charity action will be conducted among the competitors taking part in the Ciech Tri Tour events. Completion of the competition by the competitors will be rewarded in the form of donating money to the charity. The Olympic idea "Participation counts" takes on a new meaning.

Is a specific amount planned to be collected as part of the action?

Yes, our goal is to raise a total of 4.5 million PLN. We hope, however, that during the action we will collect much more!

What is the purpose of collecting funds for the action?

The collection is conducted for the benefit of the Center for Technological Assisted Orthopaedic Rehabilitation of the Victor Degi Clinical Hospital of the Karol Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences in Poznan.

How will funds be transferred to the hospital?

The donor and co-organizer of the action is the Pho3nix Foundation, which will transfer an appropriate amount to the Hospital after the end of the action.

Co-organizer of the charity action

Support Us

Titular Sponsor

Ciech TRI TOUR series

Titular Sponsor

JBL Triathlon Sieraków i JBL Super League Triathlon Poznań

Titular Sponsor

Marbruk Triathlon Charzykowy

technical partner

Ciech TRI TOUR series

Sponsor tytularny

cyklu Ciech TRI TOUR

Sponsor tytularny

JBL Triathlon Sieraków i JBL Super League Triathlon Poznań

Sponsor tytularny

Marbruk Triathlon Charzykowy

Partner techniczny

cyklu Ciech TRI TOUR

Sponsor główny

cyklu TRI TOUR

Partner techniczny

cyklu TRI TOUR